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space for queerness, nature and self-exploration


Queer Garden / квiр-садок / квир-сад - is an exhibition initiated by the Saxon group Quarteera e. V., which brings together the works of artists from different countries. The main idea of the exhibition and related events is to create an atmosphere of a garden - a place of diversity, beauty, and love. The garden is seen as a mystical and tangible space where there is room for all living beings in their variety and vibrancy (queerness), where diversity is a necessary condition for reaching balance.


Queer Garden Zine

We asked everyone from the Russian-speaking LGBTQ+ community to write about what the garden means to them.
Eventually we recived 9 stories that in our view represent what can be called «intimate» or «quiet» activism. These stories we collect in our Zine. The drawings, text and photos presented there allow us to be visible and express protest through our bodies and voices.
You can buy the Zine at the bar. The money will go to the needs of the community.

You can download this zine in PDF or buy a printed version directly at the event. All donations go to Quarteera e.V., an LGBTQ+ community working on Queer Garden

Want to know more?


In addition to the exhibition, there are some links, which we hope will broaden the scope of the interconnections between humans and the non-human.

Video art of Queer garden

project curators
Неко*/neko *
Daria Solopova/ Дарья Солопова
Anastasiia Kryvoshei / Анастасия Кривошей
Anna Dial / Анна Диал

Special thanks

Evgeny Dremin/ Евгений Дремин

Vita Petrenko/ Вита Петренко

Roma Murashov/ Рома Мурашов

Veronika Pell/ Вероника Пель


The event is organized by Quarteera e.V. in Saxony in cooperation with all participating artists as part of the project "My Community HERE" and is supported by funding from the "Erinnerung, Verantwortung und Zukunft (EVZ)" foundation.

  • Instagram
  • website
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